Looking at economic growth, size of economy and such out of interest - a couple of insights can be gained. When you add pollution data, even more becomes apparent. Living
Never has there been the will of the people and politicians to act on climate change than now. From children to adults, corporations and governments finally acknowledging the science -
Are the Institutions and Large Businesses in America and Worldwide Competitive? Picture a baseball team, or any sports team if you don’t like baseball. In professional sports, only the best
Climate/Environmental News Mid-February 2020 The news cycle never stops, especially when it comes to environmental policy. We are going to look at the headlines from February 15th-21st and discuss what
Universal Basic Income is bad for the environment and good for large companies. UBI is Bad for the Environment but Helps Fossil Fuel, Big Tech and Large Corporations It sounds
Dear 2020 Presidential Candidate, You are formally invited to discuss and debate Environmental and Economic Policy - EmissionsTax, in Manchester, New Hampshire before or during the Presidential Primaries (February 11th,
With or Without Carbon Content The short answer is no, there is not. There is not any carbon in Nitrous Oxide (N2O) or many of the fluorinated gases such as
I didn't Strike for the Climate today. Did you? I even said I was going to hand out EmissionsTax Propaganda - "Incentives and the Environment". Greta Thunberg, a 17 year
Environmental Policy is Social